The way to get more power (a.k.a. responsibility) in your career is to hand off those tasks that others can perform as effectively as you can, so you will gain the time and energy to concentrate on the more demanding and visible tasks that will enhance your career.

If you want more power take five steps as quickly as possible:

1.Take a hard look at your responsibilities; rank them according to their importance to the goals of your employer.

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2. Eliminate tasks that are no longer required. (You'll be surprised at how many are on your to-do list just because "that's the way we have always done it".)

3. Pass off the less critical tasks at the bottom of your list of priorities to others.


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4.Concentrate on improving your performance in carrying out the most important assignments in your portfolio.

5. Reach out and grasp more responsibility. Find those tasks that are most visible in their contribution to your employer's success.

You will know you are making progress up the career pyramid when you can declare "the only thing I can't find someone else to do as well or better than I can is organizing and managing the people and resources in my span of control." (After all, the real definition of management is the ability to accomplish goals through the effective use of resources and the proper utilization of people.)

No One Likes To Give Up Power

This is all about delegation of responsibilities and authority. Giving up responsibilities and authority is never easy. It flies in the face of the temperament and psyche that make strong managers. But if delegation is to work to your benefit, it requires sharing authority commensurate with responsibility. Delegation means accepting the notion that other people need power to get things done.

I've never known an ambitious manager who really wanted to give up turf. Most achieving managers have healthy egos. Few take kindly to the idea that other people can do any job as well as they can.

But still they delegate responsibilities and authorities because they know that it is the only way they can grow.


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